
The Finest Form of Entertainment

  • October 18, 2018
  • by Brian Manhart
The Finest Form of Entertainment
My parents are planning a family gathering for a few days with their children and grandchildren just after the new year. With 24 people in total and considerable distance between families, they’ve opted to use a large home somewhere in the middle of an open pasture in central Oklahoma.  It is miles away from the nearest grocery store, not to mention a full fuel tank from any form of “modern” entertainment.
Their biggest concern: Bordom.
In other words, “What if there’s not enough activities to keep us busy.”
Most often, activity becomes a distraction.
In other words, “If we’re DISTRACTED, we won’t actually have to think or talk about anything meaningful.”
I have 5 extraordinarily siblings and 2 great parents. My kids have multiple cousins with which to play…some even their own age. Given time together without distraction, we will always become better humans.
At camp, we participate in A TON of fun activities. Most activities foster a deeper meaning…promoting responsibility, sharing, problem solving, socialization, public speaking, encouragement and the list goes on.
My encouragement, find the beauty in quiet morning, time on a porch, a deeper conversation, a game of catch or a simple walk with a friend. The lack of distraction will have you more entertained then you ever thought possible.
Call me. Lets talk more.